Barcelona Society
Ready to get in amongst it?
Curiosity about what you see in the street is a good place to start: from the African street vendors to the protest graffiti, community gardens and Tactical Urbanism. These are some of the many signs of the grassroots political activism that has such a healthy heritage here; so healthy in fact that the movement has produced inspirational (sadly ex - for now - mayor in Ada Colau).
Manifestos are embarrassing to the English: too heart-on-the sleeve, but I’ve read so much Spanish and Catalan material I’ve (almost) forgotten that.
In central but off-beat locations some quirky collectives are giving back to the community.
Get a sense of the place by reading more than a guide book before you go... here are some of the best.
Curious about the African street vendors? They’re known as Manteros and some of them are involved in interesting social enterprises.